What is Aditi Mudra?

Aditi Mudra is the name after Aditi who is the mother goddess in Hindu mythology often often referred to as the Goddess of the universe and abundance. This mudra shows openness, infinite energy and connection to the universe.

Inside your body and mind, energy flows through you when you do the Aditi Mudra. You are in a state of being centered, calm, and aligned. It is said to be potent in giving you openness and balance, making it one of the good mudras if anyone wants a peaceful mind or mental clarity.

How to Do Aditi Mudra

Find a quiet space: Sit or stand comfortably in a place where you will not be distracted. Try relaxing your body.

Position your hands: Lift your hands up to chest level and both of your hands in front of your chest.

Mudra Form: Bring the fingertips of your ring fingers and little fingers toward one another. Extend your thumbs straight out so that their inner sides touch each other. Using both hands, form a bowl-like or cup-like shape; should not extend or bend either your index finger or your middle fingers.

Breathe: Close eyes, if you are comfortable with that and start breathing slowly in and out of the mouth through the nose. Concentrate on your breath. With each exhalation allow your body to further relax.

Wait for a few minutes: Wait in this position 5-10 minutes. You can increase the time as you get used to the exercise.

Release Gradually: When you are prepared to let go, open your fingers gradually and shake your hands to release all the tension.

    Benefits of Aditi Mudra

    Serenity of Mind

    Because Aditi Mudra helps relax the mind, it would decrease stress. You incite a calm and peaceful state by mind when you hold this mudra while focusing on your breath, therefore reducing anxiety and negative thoughts.

    Increases Concentration and Focus

    Practicing the Aditi Mudra daily enhances your power to concentrate. The flow of energy created by this mudra makes the clarity of your mind very sharp, which could be of great use during meditation or any work that requires concentration.

      Activates Energy

      This is a balancing mudra for your inner energies. It links the left and the right hemispheres of the brain. Once this balance is achieved, it brings in a great feeling of harmony. It helps those individuals who are feeling far away or out of sync with their world.

      Opening Heart Chakra

      Since Aditi Mudra is associated with the heart center, it can open up your heart chakra or Anahata Chakra. This makes one feel love, compassion, and acceptance not only for themself but for others too. Regular practice of Aditi Mudra can aid in emotional healing as well as boost self-love within.

      Confidence and Self-Esteem Development

      Since it has relation to the mother goddess Aditi, an exercise by this mudra does signify nurturing and boundless ability. By practicing Aditi Mudra, you might find elevating your self-pride and worth, as you connect yourself with all the abundant energy of the universe.

      Improves Breathing

      This exercise promotes deep and conscious breathing, helping to enhance lung capacity and alleviate shallow breathing most often brought about by stress or anxiety. Improved breathing is essential for better oxygen flow, making one feel more energized and alert.

      Relieves Tension in the Body

      You might soon experience a sense of letting go of physical tension, especially in the shoulders, neck, and upper chest, as you persist with your breath focus and mudra.
      This can be especially helpful if you are one of those people who have a tendency to carry your stress in those areas.

      It’s Here Rudra Mudra how To Do It And What Are The Benefits


      1. Can anyone perform Aditi Mudra?
      Absolutely. The practice of Aditi Mudra is safe and can be practiced by anyone, irrespective of one’s state of practice as an advanced yoga practitioner or even by first-timers.

      2. How often should I practice Aditi Mudra?
      You can practice it daily, either during your meditation or as part of your yoga routine. Even 5–10 minutes a day can offer noticeable benefits.

      3. Is there a specific time of day to practice Aditi Mudra?
      You can do it anytime of the day. However, many people find it best to do it in the morning to set the right tone for the day ahead or at night to unwind.