What is Akash Mudra?

Akash Mudra, also known as the Gesture of Space, involves the thumb and middle finger. It’s believed to channel the space element within the body, promoting a sense of balance and openness.

How to Perform Akash Mudra

Performing Akash Mudra is simple and can be done anywhere, anytime. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Find a Comfortable Seat: Sit in a comfortable position with your spine straight. You can sit cross-legged on the floor or on a chair with your feet flat on the ground.

Relax Your Hands: Rest your hands on your knees or thighs, palms facing upwards.

Touch Thumb to Middle Finger: Gently touch the tip of your middle finger to the tip of your thumb. Keep the other fingers straight but relaxed.

Close Your Eyes: For better focus, close your eyes and take deep breaths.

Hold the Position: Maintain this position for 15-20 minutes. You can practice Akash Mudra while meditating or sitting quietly.

    Benefits of Akash Mudra

    Akash Mudra offers several benefits for both body and mind. Here are some key advantages:

    Enhances Mental Clarity: By balancing the space element, Akash Mudra can help clear your mind, improving concentration and focus.

    Promotes Detoxification: This mudra is said to aid in the elimination of toxins from the body, enhancing overall health.

    Boosts Spiritual Growth: Regular practice can deepen your meditation and spiritual practices, fostering a sense of inner peace.

    Relieves Ear Problems: Akash Mudra is believed to help with issues related to the ears, such as earaches and tinnitus.

    Improves Bone Health: It may also support bone health by balancing the calcium levels in the body.

    Enhances Communication: The gesture can help improve your ability to express thoughts and feelings clearly.

    It’s here Vayu Mudra How to Do It and what are the Benefits


    1. Can anyone practice Akash Mudra?

    Yes, Akash Mudra is suitable for everyone, regardless of age or experience level.

    2. How long should I practice Akash Mudra?

    You can start with 10-15 minutes and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable.

    3. Can I practice Akash Mudra while lying down?

    It’s best to practice this mudra while sitting to maintain proper posture and focus.

    4. Are there any side effects?

    There are no known side effects of practicing Akash Mudra. It’s a safe and gentle practice.

    5. Can I combine Akash Mudra with other mudras?

    Yes, you can combine it with other mudras, but it’s usually more effective to focus on one mudra at a time.