What Are Cable Crunches

Unlike traditional crunches, the cable crunch is an advanced crunch version that has had a significant upgrade: you’re using a cable machine. With the resistance of the cable, this exercise really isolates your upper abs as your entire core is engaged throughout the movement. The constant tension of the weight is what makes your abs work harder in order to build muscle and endurance.

How to Do Cable Crunches:

Set Up the Cable Machine

Attach a rope handle to the high pulley of the cable machine.

Pick a weight you can get 12-15 reps on. It’s always best to start light and focus heavily on form.

Enter Position

Kneel back several feet from the machine with your hands grasping the rope.

Slightly dangle both rope ends down to the side of the head, keeping your elbows at 90 degrees and resting them closer to your ears.

Slightly angle your back, lift your chest, and space your knees about a hip-width apart.

The Movement

    Begin by engaging your core. You’re going to draw your ribcage into your pelvis now.

    When crunching, your elbows should shoot toward your knees. Remember, this is controlled, not jerking.

    Breathe out as you crunch down and breathe in on return to your starting point.


    Do 3–4 sets of 12–15 reps, adjusting the weight to make the set challenging yet attainable

    Benefits of cable crunches

    Always on the Ball: Continual Tension on Abs

    This equipment adds resistance; therefore, your abs are engaged all throughout. It’s basically having constant tension, which is crucial for the activation of muscles. When doing a traditional crunch, you will most likely have a rest period at the top or bottom of your movement. Cable crunches, however, involve your abs working constantly, thus resulting in faster and more defined outcomes.

    Improved Muscle Strength and Endurance

    It always adds to your ab routine the building of definition but also strength, which is so important if you’re going to do such advanced movements like hanging leg raises or dragon flags. It will just make these harder exercises easier to achieve with the core strength that is built with cable crunches.

    Awesome for Core Stability

    Cable crunches are targeting the upper part of the abdomen but they do involve the deeper muscles of the core and make up for a strong stability of the core. In further words, a strong core is pretty much important in maintaining proper posture and improving the performance of an athlete even preventing injuries.

    Progressive Overload with Adjustable Resistance

    The progressive overload principle will work well on building muscles. Adjustments in cable crunches would allow easy increments on the resistance so when the core muscles get stronger, you add a heavier weight to continue challenging them while making sure that you’re on track with constant gains.

    Better Upper Ab Definition

    Let’s be realistic: one of the prime reasons most of us train abs is to get those six-pack muscles to pop! Cable crunches specifically focus on the upper abs, so if you think you have your nutrition dialed in already, these will just make that definition come out.

    It’s here Behind Neck Press how to do it and what are the benefits


    Q: How many times should I do cable crunches?
    A: 2-3 times you can put cable crunches in your training program based on your goals and recovery rate.

    Q: Does cable crunching have a chance of helping you get a six-pack?
    A: While cable crunches hit the upper ab area and help to create definition, diet does play a huge role in uncovering that six-pack. Use cable crunches with diet, along with a decent cardio routine, and you’ll see great results.