What is Kalesvara Mudra?

Kalesvara Mudra, a yogic hand gesture, gets its name from the word ‘Kalesvara,’ which means the lord of time. This seal is all about halting one’s steps, being reflective, and engaging in slow activities. It gives rise to calmness and helps in introspection. This mudra has been practiced to gain mastery over one’s thoughts and emotions, leading to a balanced mind.

How to Perform Kalesvara Mudra

Find a Comfortable Seat: Sit down in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. You can sit cross-legged on the floor or on a chair with your feet flat on the ground. Make sure your back is straight and your shoulders are relaxed.

Placement of Hands: Put your hands together in front of your chest. Make the tips of your middle fingers touch each other, pointing upwards. Allow the remaining fingers to slightly curl inside such that the thumbs will touch each other at their base. The index, ring, and little fingers should be touching each other at their respective bases to form a heart-like shape with your fingers.

Rotate Your Thumbs: Allow your thumbs to point down toward your chest. This helps in sealing the mudra and connecting the flow of energy.

Focus on Breath: Close your eyes and take a couple of deep inhalations through your nose. Hold it for a few seconds, then slowly exhale through your mouth. While inhaling and exhaling, try to drop the thoughts and focus your attention on the flow of your breath, feeling the hands.

Hold the Mudra: Hold this position for about 5-10 minutes and slowly increase the time when you get accustomed to practicing it.

Release the Mudra: Finally, release your hands, open your eyes, and take a few minutes to notice how you are feeling.

Benefits of Kalesvara Mudra

Peacefulness to the Mind: One of the most major plus points of Kalesvara Mudra is that it can help to soothe your mind. The very moment you focus on your breathing and hand gesture, you cut off the mental chatter, and thereby, your mind automatically gets to a peaceful state.

Improves Concentration: It is good for concentration; this mudra clears the mind and helps to focus on a particular thing or to go deeper into meditation.

Lessons Stress and Anxiety: Kalesvara Mudra brings this feeling of inner calmness, and relaxation helps reduce levels of stress and anxiety. The rhythmic breathing accompanying this mudra releases tension in the body and the mind.

Promotes Introspection: Since this mudra is for the lord of time, this is very helpful for introspection. It really encourages looking inside and reflecting upon thoughts, actions, and emotions.

Balances Emotions: If you practice Kalesvara Mudra on a regular basis, then it may improve your ability to cope with your emotions. You feel balanced and stable, which means that it is easier to handle ups and downs in the process of experiencing your feelings.

Improves sleep: It relaxes the mind and helps to get rid of stress; thus, it is said to improve sleep. This kalesvara mudra needs to be practised at the end of a day, as that will help someone to relax and fall asleep. Here’s how one can practice kalesvara mudra

It’s here Mahasirsha Mudra How to Do It and what are the Benefits


Q: To Whom Does Kalesvara Mudra Recommend Its Practice?
A: Yes, Kalesvara Mudra can be performed by everyone, irrespective of the age factor and health conditions. It is a simple act to perform without requiring any specific equipment or skill proficiency.

Q: How often should I practice Kalesvara Mudra?
A: Try to do it every day for best results. Even 5-10 minutes per day may work wonders.

Q: Can I practice Kalesvara Mudra lying down?
A: It is better to perform Kalesvara Mudra in a sitting position, as this will keep your posture straight and promote good respiration.

Q: What is the time it takes for results?
A: Some people feel this calming effect immediately, and for some, it might take weeks. The key is to be patient and to continue doing so.