What is Kurma Mudra

Kurma Mudra, also known as the “Tortoise Mudra,” is a symbolic hand gesture inspired by the slow and steady nature of a tortoise. Just as a tortoise can retreat into its shell for protection and rest, Kurma Mudra helps you go within yourself, creating a sense of safety, grounding, and calm.

In Sanskrit, “Kurma” means tortoise, and this mudra helps us to draw our senses inward, protecting our energy and bringing mental clarity. It’s an easy practice you can do anytime, anywhere to help calm the mind and relieve tension.

How to Do Kurma Mudra

Find a Comfortable Position
First, sit down in a comfortable position, such as cross-legged on the floor or in a chair with your feet flat on the ground. Relax your shoulders and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

Start with Your Hands Open
Begin by holding your hands in front of your chest with your palms facing each other. Make sure your hands are relaxed and fingers spread apart.

Join the Fingers

Place your right hand over your left hand.

Then, allow the tips of your right-hand fingers to gently touch the fingers of your left hand.

At the same time, bring your thumbs together so they also meet at the tips.

Tuck the Hands

    Now, gently slide your right hand beneath your left hand, keeping the tips of your fingers touching.Your hands should look somewhat like a tortoise pulling its limbs into its shell, hence the name.

    Focus and Breathe
    Hold this position in front of your chest. Close your eyes if you like, and begin to focus on your breath. Breathe slowly and deeply. Try to maintain this mudra for 5 to 15 minutes, or as long as it feels comfortable.

    The Benefits of Kurma Mudra

    Reduces Stress and Anxiety

    One of the biggest benefits of Kurma Mudra is its ability to calm the mind. Just as the tortoise withdraws into its shell for peace, this mudra encourages you to withdraw from external distractions and focus inward. It’s great for reducing stress and anxiety, helping you feel more centered and relaxed.

    Boosts Concentration

    When you’re feeling scattered or overwhelmed, Kurma Mudra can help bring you back to the present moment. The act of concentrating on your hands and breath pulls you into the “here and now,” improving focus and mental clarity.

    Promotes Emotional Balance

    This mudra encourages grounding and stability. If you’re dealing with emotional upheaval or mood swings, practicing Kurma Mudra can help bring a sense of balance and harmony to your emotions.

    Supports Digestion and Overall Health

    According to yogic traditions, Kurma Mudra is also believed to aid in digestion and support the immune system. While scientific studies on mudras are limited, practitioners report improvements in their overall well-being, including reduced bloating and better energy levels.

    Improves Breathing

    The deep, steady breathing that accompanies Kurma Mudra helps open up your lungs, making it easier to breathe deeply. This can be particularly helpful for people with respiratory issues or those looking to enhance their meditation practice

    It’s Here Ashwa Sanchalan Mudra How to Do It and What Are The Benefits


    1. How long should I practice Kurma Mudra?
    You can start with just 5 minutes and work your way up to 15 or 20 minutes. Listen to your body and stop if you feel any discomfort.

    2. Can I do Kurma Mudra while lying down?
    Yes, you can perform Kurma Mudra while sitting, standing, or even lying down. The most important thing is to be comfortable and relaxed.

    3. Can beginners do Kurma Mudra?
    Absolutely! Kurma Mudra is very beginner-friendly and doesn’t require any prior yoga or meditation experience.

    4. Do I need to meditate while doing this mudra?
    No, you don’t have to meditate. You can simply hold the mudra and breathe deeply for a few minutes to enjoy the calming effects.