Lisp, shortened for “LISt Processing,” was independently developed in 1958 at MIT by John McCarthy. It so happens that it is the second-oldest high-level programming language, after Fortran. What makes Lisp special and different is its utilization of simple, parenthesis-heavy syntax with great features such as recursion and first-class functions.

But while most other languages rose and fell, Lisp somehow survived. And it was for good reason: it was such a flexible language that there were very few limitations to how a programmer could express himself. Still today widely in use in artificial intelligence, rapid prototyping and any project requiring heavy symbolic manipulation is where you will find Lisp.

A Brief History of Lisp

Thus, Lisp was born out of the dire need for a language that would efficiently handle symbolic computation. Inspired by the need to have some kind of mathematical notation for computer programs, John McCarthy developed Lisp as a simple yet powerful language. First, the implementation was done on an IBM 704 computer, and from there, Lisp began to gain momentum among researchers and academics.

Over the years, various Lisp dialects have evolved, each with its own set of features and optimizations. Some of the popular ones include Common Lisp, Scheme, and Clojure. Each of these has contributed to its own merit toward the continued development of the Lisp family of languages, making it a language that is still actively used and in development to this date.

Key Features of Lisp

So, what sets Lisp apart from any other programming language? Well, here are some of the main features: ”

Code as Data (Homoiconicity)

One of the most iconic features of Lisp is that it can treat code as data and vice versa. The said property is called homoiconicity, which simply means that Lisp programs are written in a structure that is very similar to the language’s data structures, mainly lists. That makes it easy to write programs able to manipulate other programs, which is incredibly powerful for things like metaprogramming.


One thing that Lisp is very famous for is its macro system, which allows the developers, so to speak, to extend the language themselves, adding new syntactic constructs. In Lisp, macros aren’t simple text substitutions but allow transforming the Lisp code at compile time, making the language extremely flexible and expressive.


Probably for the first time in the history of modern computing, recursion was supported by Lisp-a powerful concept whereby a function calls itself in order to solve some problem. This is really indispensable in solving those tasks which can be reduced to smaller tasks of a similar type, such as tree traversals.

Garbage Collection

It was also one among the first languages that provided with automatic garbage collection-a feature whereby memory management is done by the language itself through unreclaimed or free memory, avoiding memory leak, making it easier to write safe code.

Dynamic Typing

In Lisp, variables do not have fixed types; any given variable can be reassigned at any time to hold any type value. This gives many flexibilities to the programmer and reduces boilerplate code that must be written.

Why Use Lisp Today?

Despite being an older language, Lisp still has much to offer. Here’s why you might want to consider using Lisp in your next project:
Flexibility and Power

As a newcomer to Lisp, you may have found the syntax weird. Soon enough, you will find it very powerful because, with Lisp, the ease of the language allows one to express himself in human language in code because of the two features, among others, that make this language great: macros and first-class functions. Both are very easy to extend for personal use.

Rich Ecosystem

While it’s not JavaScript or Python, Lisp does have a nurturing community and a very lively ecosystem with libraries and tools. Whether you want to work in AI, data science, or web development, there is a dialect of Lisp that will get the job done.

Lisp Will Make You a Better Programmer

Learning Lisp can alter the way you think about programming. It fosters a different kind of problem-solving and can make you understand other languages better. Most of the concepts generally taken for granted in modern programming—such as recursion, functional programming, and garbage collection—originated in Lisp.

Getting Started with Lisp

If you are interested in trying your hand with Lisp, here’s how you may get started:

Choosing the Variant: The very first thing to do is to choose a variant of Lisp that would suit one best. Common Lisp is good for everything, Scheme should work just fine in an educational context, and Clojure is perfect for functional programming and seamlessly integrates with the Java ecosystem.

Get your environment ready: According to the dialect you choose, you are going to set up the development environment. This includes installing an interpreter or compiler and setting up an IDE or text editor that supports Lisp.

Learn the basics: Learn the syntax and basic constructs of Lisp. Plenty of tutorials, books, and resources can be found online that get you started.

Coding: The best way to learn any language is by doing. Start with the simple programs up to the complex projects. Solve whatever problems that interest you or contribute something to some open-source Lisp projects, so you get a feeling about the language.

Example Code in Lisp

Let’s consider some basic examples of Lisp to understand how the language works.

  1. Hello, World!

Here’s how you would write a simple “Hello, World!” program in Common Lisp:

(format t “Hello, World!”)

In the above example, format is a function that writes text to a stream. The argument t means “standard output” and works like the console. “Hello, World!” is the string to print.

  1. Defining Functions

One of the great things about Lisp is that defining and using functions is very easy. Here is an example of a function that adds two numbers:

(defun add (x y)
(+ x y))

Explanation: In this example, defun is used to define a new function named add that takes two parameters, x and y. The function returns the result of adding x and y using the + operator.

  1. Recursion

As has already been mentioned, Lisp supports recursion very well. Here’s simple example of recursive function that calculates factorial of a number:

(defun factorial (n)
((if (<= n 1)
(* n (factorial (- n 1)))))

This function checks whether n is <= 1. If it is, it returns 1 – that is the base case. Otherwise, it times n by the result of calling factorial on n – 1.

  1. Using Lists

Lists are among the basic data structures in Lisp. Here is a simple example of how you can create and manipulate lists:

(setq my-list ‘(1 2 3 4 5)) ; Create a list
(car my-list) ; Get the first element -> 1
(cdr my-list) ; Get the rest of the list -> (2 3 4 5)
(cons 0 my-list) ; Add an element to the front -> (0 1 2 3 4 5)

Here, setq binds the list (1 2 3 4 5) to my-list. The function car returns the first item in the list, and cdr returns the list with the first item removed. cons adds an item to the beginning of a list.

  1. Using Macros

Macros allow you to write code that writes other code. This can be a very powerful tool. Here’s a simple macro that creates a when construct, similar to an if statement but only containing the true branch:

(defmacro my-when (condition &rest body)
`(if ,condition
(progn ,@body)))

You can use this macro like so:

(my-when (> 5 3)
(format t “5 is greater than 3!”))

This will execute all the code inside the macro if the condition (> 5 3) is true. It will simply print, “

5 is greater than 3!”.

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Q: Isn’t 2024 too late to learn or use Lisp?
A: Of course not! In 2024, Lisp has applications that range from AI research and rapid prototyping to those fields requiring symbolic computation. There are some peculiar features in Lisp that allow many developers to make full use of its potential.
Q: Which is the most straightforward Lisp variant to learn?
A: Scheme is generally recommended for learning because it is relatively simple and has a minimalist syntax. If you would like to learn about more practical uses, check out Common Lisp or Clojure.

Q: Why does Lisp have so many parentheses?
A: Lisp uses parentheses to denote lists and function calls; these are fundamental in its syntax. Though it seems daunting the first time, most developers get used to it quickly and find that it clarifies the structure of the code.


The word on Lisp is that it’s less a language but more a way of thinking. It has influenced almost all modern languages with such unique features as code-as-data and powerful macros that continue to make it a valuable tool in the programmer’s toolkit. Whether one’s interest is in AI, learning more about functional programming, or just simple curiosity about a language that has been in use for over half a century, Lisp is most definitely worth a look.