The monsoon session of the Indian Parliament, which commenced on July 22, 2024, officially concluded today, marking the end of several weeks of intense legislative activity and significant debates. Both the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha have been adjourned sine die, concluding their scheduled sittings for this session.

Key Highlights of the Session:

  1. Important Legislative Actions: During this session, Parliament passed several key bills, including the Appropriation (No. 2) Bill, 2024. This bill authorizes the government to withdraw funds from the Consolidated Fund of India to meet its budgetary commitments. The discussions surrounding the budget were a central focus, with various members contributing to the debate.
  2. Debates on National and International Issues: The session featured extensive debates on pressing national issues, including the ongoing situation in Manipur. Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed both Houses, emphasizing the government’s efforts to restore normalcy in the violence-hit state. Discussions also touched on international concerns, particularly the political instability in South Asia, with several members expressing their views on India’s foreign policy in the region.
  3. Opposition’s Role and Protests: The opposition actively participated in the session, raising several concerns. Notable among these was the demand for a rollback of the 18% GST on medical and health insurance products. The opposition also voiced concerns over various domestic and international matters, leading to vigorous debates.
  4. Parliamentary Productivity: Despite occasional disruptions, both Houses of Parliament maintained high productivity levels. The Lok Sabha, in particular, recorded more than 100% productivity, a testament to the members’ active participation in legislative work and debates.
  5. Conclusion of the Session: With the adjournment of both Houses sine die, the monsoon session of Parliament has come to an end. This session will be remembered for its substantive debates, the passage of crucial legislation, and the active engagement of both government and opposition members.


The conclusion of the monsoon session marks the end of a significant phase in the legislative calendar. The discussions and decisions made during this period will have a lasting impact on India’s governance and policy direction. As Parliament adjourns, attention now turns to the implementation of the bills passed and the ongoing efforts to address the issues raised during the session.