Have you seen Allu Arjun’s amazing dance moves in “Pushpa 2”? They’re not just fun to watch but can also teach us a thing or two about catching people’s attention in digital marketing. Let’s break down three easy marketing tips inspired by his dance steps that can make your brand stand out.

3 Marketing Moves

1. The Hook StepMake Your Content Pop

Imagine Allu Arjun’s hook step—it’s the move in the dance that everyone remembers and talks about. For your marketing, this is like the big, bold part of your message that makes people stop and look. It could be a surprising fact, a funny quote, or a beautiful picture. Whatever you choose, make it something that makes your audience pause and want to know more.

Example: If you’re selling garden tools, a post could start with “Guess what? A single worm can turn 36 tons of soil in its lifetime!” It’s a fun fact that makes people curious and connects to what you’re selling.

2. The Mobile StepEasy to Reach on Phones

Just like a dance needs to flow smoothly, your website and ads should be easy to use on phones. Most people look at websites on their phones, so if your site takes too long to load or looks weird on a small screen, people might leave. Make sure everything loads fast and looks good on any device.

Example: If you have a shop online, check that pictures of products are clear on a phone screen and that buying something is as easy as a few taps.

3. The Cross StepConnect Across All Channels

The cross step in dancing links one move smoothly into another. For your marketing, this means making sure your message is the same across all the places you post—Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, your website. This helps people recognize your brand no matter where they see it.

Example: If you’re promoting a new coffee blend, your posts on all platforms should have the same key message, like “Wake up to a fresh adventure with our new Mountain Roast Coffee.”


Just like Allu Arjun’s steps make his dance memorable, these simple tips can help make your marketing stand out. Start with something that grabs attention, make sure it’s easy to access, and keep your message consistent wherever you share it. Ready to dance your way to marketing success?