The Telangana state government has launched a concerted effort to up to date and address issues related to the Layout Regularization Scheme (LRS). This initiative aims to regularize unauthorized layouts and plots across the state, ensuring a more organized approach to urban development.

Special Teams and Guidelines

The government has issued detailed guidelines to manage the processing of nearly 25 lakh applications received under the LRS. The process involves multiple stages to ensure thorough and efficient handling of applications:

  1. Clustering Applications: Applications received by gram panchayats, municipalities, and municipal corporations are grouped into clusters based on criteria such as village, survey number, locality, and colony.
  2. Site Inspections: Each cluster undergoes site inspections by teams constituted by the District Collector. These teams include officials from the revenue, irrigation, panchayat raj, local town planning, and DTCPO departments. Inspections are conducted to verify if applications meet the LRS guidelines.
  3. Online Reporting: Inspection teams upload their findings online, indicating whether the application complies with LRS criteria. These reports are then submitted to the Municipal Commissioner or District Collector for further action.

This entire process is designed to be completed within 15 days, with status reports on all LRS applications submitted to District Collectors and the government for subsequent instructions.

Public Awareness and Assistance

To ensure maximum participation and efficiency, urban local bodies (ULBs) in Telangana are conducting an extensive drive. This includes:

  • Sending requisition letters to sub-registrar offices to obtain lists of eligible plot holders.
  • Holding ward and area-wise meetings with owners of unauthorized plots.
  • Setting up help desks in municipal offices to assist applicants.
  • Distributing pamphlets and installing banners in prominent locations.
  • Using TV and radio for public awareness campaigns.
  • Organizing LRS melas (fairs) every Tuesday and Saturday to facilitate the application process.

Political Reactions and Challenges

The implementation of LRS has sparked political debate. Prominent political figures have criticized the current administration for imposing charges on applicants, contrary to previous promises of free regularization. There are calls for the government to waive these fees, highlighting the significant financial burden on the 25.44 lakh applicants.

By addressing these issues through the formation of special teams and clear guidelines, the Telangana government aims to provide a more streamlined and transparent process for land regularization, ensuring that citizens benefit from organized urban development.

“Public Opinion attempt for Land Reforms in Telangana”