Imagine two fishermen, Ramesh and Suresh, from the same small coastal village. They start off with the same fishing boats and the same chances to make something of themselves. This story shows how their different ways of thinking lead them down very different paths—one towards wealth and the other remaining stagnant.

The Tale Begins

Ramesh and Suresh, despite having similar starts, think about life very differently. Ramesh sees every day as a chance to get better at fishing and to find new opportunities. He learns new fishing methods, buys better gear, and explores new parts of the sea to catch more fish.

Suresh, however, feels stuck with what he has. He sticks to his old fishing spots and spends his evenings complaining about his bad luck. He doesn’t try to change anything and believes he can’t do better than what he’s already doing.

The Divine Intervention

One evening, while both are fishing during a big storm, Suresh shouts out, asking why life has to be so hard for him. Suddenly, a glowing figure appears, calming the storm around him. The same figure appears to Ramesh as well.

This figure, a kind of magical messenger, gives them both some money and tells them to use it to improve their lives.

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The Turning Point

Both fishermen start by upgrading their boats and gear. But what they do next really shows the difference between them. Ramesh uses some of his money to learn from other successful fishermen and starts selling fish far away, making more money and growing his business. He keeps using his earnings to invest in new ideas.

Suresh, feeling rich for a moment, doesn’t change much about how he fishes. He enjoys the new boat and gear but doesn’t plan for the future. As the money runs out, he finds himself struggling again, blaming his bad luck.

The Outcome

Years later, Ramesh has built a big business that helps the whole village. His way of thinking about growth and learning has made him and many others more successful.

Suresh is still fishing the same old way and often complains about how lucky Ramesh is, without realizing that it was their choices, not luck, that made the difference.


This story shows us that our mindset really can change our lives. Thinking like Ramesh, looking for new chances and learning from mistakes, can lead us to success. Staying like Suresh, not trying new things or giving up too easily, can keep us where we’ve always been.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What does a rich mindset look like?
    • Always looking to learn
    • Trying new things
    • Planning ahead and saving money
    • Working hard and not giving up
  2. How can I start to think this way?
    • Set small, clear goals for yourself.
    • Learn something new every day.
    • Choose friends who encourage you.
    • Take charge of your life and choices.

By following these steps, anyone can start to change their life for the better, just like Ramesh did with his fishing business.